Tuesday, September 26, 2017

Q: In Thromboelastography (TEG) :: "G" stands for? 

 A) Reaction time 

 B) Clot formation time 
C) Maximal amplitude 
 D) Lysis at 30 min 
 E) Clot viscoelasticity

Answer: E

Objective of above question is to highlight an important entity in Thromboelastography (TEG). It is a value calculated from platelet and fibrin performance, and represents the CLOT STRENGTH or CLOT STABILITY. It is a log derivative of Maximal Amplitude (MA) and has the units of Kdynes/cm2.

"R" is the reaction time (the time it takes the coagulation cascade to generate thrombin and fibrin).
"K" is the clot firmness ( clot firmness).
"α" (alpha) is the angle (describes the kinetics of clot formation).
"MA" is the maximum amplitude (describes the maximum clot strength).
"Ly30" is the percent clot lysis 30 minutes (after the MA is reached).

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